FRIEND!!! THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU! So what is your special sauce that makes you uniquely you???
Hint: it’s probably hidden within the things about you others have tried to shrink, quiet, squelch, and told you to put away because it and you are just too _________!
So, what we learn to do is mold and build ourselves around social constructs and roles that we think or others have told is the acceptable way to be or act or feel or do or…. Well you get the idea! Then we loom around us searching desperately for a “model” or way of becoming that doesn’t fit our authenticity and uniquely created purpose and design. We begin to compare. Friend, comparison is the thief of your joy! It robs you from seeing the wonder that is uniquely and divinely YOU! It forces you (and me) to literally make ourselves small so that we hide our special sauce!
When we get focused on what others are doing, achieving, or in this age of social media seem to be accomplishing. Because let’s face it anyone can post the highlight reels but it takes guts and vulnerability to put your whole self out there.
Don’t misunderstand everyone does NOT have to know your WHOLE life’s details but in a world of ‘fake’ people crave authenticity and vulnerability. It gives them permission to take off their armor, rest, and breathe.
I love to root and celebrate other’s accomplishments and encourage them to dream big! We are each trying to be better than we were yesterday and let’s face it we are our own worst critic!
Friend, it’s time you see yourself through a different lens! Looking at others only causes you more contempt for yourself! You are brilliant, amazing, bold, and fierce because you have been gifted as YOU! There are no carbon copies!
We can admire others and we can even sometimes be in awe of what they are doing but then we gotta refocus and dig in to what WE have in front of us to do, however insignificant it may seem to you in the moment. There is purpose beyond what you can see and how you feel about it right now!
I’ve been there. I’ve been rejected, talked about, passed over, and misunderstood more times than I can count! What I’ve come to realize is that I was being protected and moving towards what I’ve always wanted. It just didn’t look like MY PLAN or route to get there.
You wanna know a secret? Today, I’m thankful beyond words despite the messy midst of it all! It felt confusing, chaotic, unfair AND if I’m completely honest I was a lot salty!
I had to walk away and cocoon myself. I limited social media, unfollowed people, pulled away from people to figure out and remember my goals, dreams, and purpose!
If we are driving our car and we take our eyes off the road in front of us because we are looking at the other cars or sights around us we aren’t going to stay on course long before we veer off!
People need your unique flair, flavor,and sass, and yes SAUCE! Be you. No apology! Just be you!
#dare #shewhodares #darebig #cptsdgrowth #beyourself #noapology #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #iamme #thisisme #trauma #traumarecovery #posttraumaticgrowth #bodypositivity #journey #worthoverworks #yoga #healing #livingmybestlife #more #yummy #love #life #live #thrive #wonder #dream #tothyownselfbetrue